When I flew from home from grey and rainy Brussels in January, after a trip to Bern and Zurich in Switzerland, Salzburg greeted me with a blanket of snow. I was up in Brussels again at the end of February for another work trip, and it was as grey as always, so secretly I was hoping that, just like the last time, I'd fly home to a winter wonderland.
Well, Salzburg outdid itself this time. On Saturday, I went for a long run as it snowed down on me, and the snow continued throughout the night, making for a Sunday that was completely blanketed in a thick sheet of fresh, white, fluffy snow. I met up with my best friend in Salzburg, Janna, and together we went for a long wintery walk at Schloss Hellbrun, just south of the city, where a large park makes for the perfect place to meander. A hill in the centre of the park offers fantastic views all across the city and to the mountains around it, particularly beautiful all covered in snow.
Here are some photos of our lovely Sunday spent outside in a very wintery Salzburg:

Hi! I’m Jana, a Dutch-German-British-Canadian with a dream of seeing every country in the world. I am a storyteller, photographer and adventurer passionate about documenting and sharing my travels.