Skiing at Zauchensee

One of the greatest winter joys of living in Salzburg, in the heart of the Austrian Alps, is that I can make my way to any one of the hundreds of ski resorts either by car or by train for…

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Visiting Tegernsee

The 6 January is a public holiday in many countries in Europe, including Austria, where I live, and Germany, where my boyfriend lives. It also just so happens to be the day I flew on a one-way ticket to Australia,…

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Reflecting on my 2023 Travels

2023 was a challenging year filled with personal growth. The year started out very low and so I made it my utmost goal throughout the year to prioritize myself, cultivate a wonderful and supportive community around me, and make progress…

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Christmastime in Vienna

Winter and Christmastime is one of the loveliest times of year, and Vienna, Austria's romantic capital city - and usually on top of the list of the world's most liveable cities - is one of the most famous Christmastime destinations…

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Visiting Aït Benhaddou

It was the eighth day of my nine-day tour around Morocco with Much Better Adventures. We were on our way back to Marrakech, the final destination, and where we would all say goodbye to each other. We had spent eight days…

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A Guide to Todra Gorge

The second-last place we were staying on our nine-day group tour around Morocco with Much Better Adventures was the magical Todra Gorge. I was back in Morocco in November, having cut my trip short in September due to the Morocco earthquake.…

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Visiting Morocco’s Sahara Desert

I was back in Morocco in November, having cut my trip short in September due to the Morocco earthquake. I rescheduled the tour I had planned through the country with Much Better Adventures and met my new group in mid-November in Casablanca. From…

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A Guide to Fez

I was back in Morocco in November, having cut my trip short in September due to the Morocco earthquake. I rescheduled the tour I had planned through the country with Much Better Adventures and met my new group in mid-November in…

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Visiting Volubilis

Volubilis is the ancient Roman capital of the Kingdom of Mauritania near Meknes in northern Morocco. We visited this UNESCO archaeological site on our drive way from Chefchaouen to Fez as part of our group tour with Much Better Adventures.…

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A Guide to Chefchaouen

Chefchaouen, pronounced Shef-shown and known as the Blue City, is far and away one of the most surreal cities I’ve visited. Winding alleys, all covered from floor to ceiling in vibrant shades of blue paint, entice visitors to get lost in…

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