Monchsberg Hike

jana meerman monschberg salzburg (6)

The Monchsberg is one of the best little walks to do in Salzburg at any time of year, with countless beautiful viewpoints looking at various angles of Salzburg, starting with my all-time favourite from just below the Festung Hohensalzburg and then all the way along the Monchsberg, following the path of the Salzach River below.


When: year-round

Where: Salzburg

Difficulty: easy

Length: 1-2 hours for about 8km, depending on which trails you choose to take (check out my Strava tracker)

Directions: I always start the Monchsberg walk from the Kapitelplatz in the heart of Salzburg, and then walk up towards the Festung Hohensalzburg from there. The Monchsberg trails continue all along the city, following the Salzach River below and heading north, and then down the stairs at Friedhof Mülln, back to the river. You can head back along the river to the Aldstadt. Follow my exact route on Strava.

Bathrooms: yes, at various cafes along the way; there's also a paid public toilet along the Salzach

Public Transit: this hike is right in the centre of Salzburg, so you only need your feet to get here!

jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)
jana meerman monschberg salzburg (1)


Pinterest - Monschberg (1)
Pinterest - Monschberg (1)
Jana Meerman

Hi! I’m Jana, a British-Dutch-Canadian with a dream of seeing every country in the world. I am a storyteller, photographer and adventurer passionate about documenting and sharing my travels.

Find me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Rohit Viegas
    7 June 2024 / 12:34 am

    Hi Jana,
    I loved your picture on the steps on the Monchsberg. Can you send me the exact location of these steps on google maps so I can visit this place. I will be visiting Salzburg this fall.
    Thank you.

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