Coimbra Photo Diary

jana meerman coimbra portugal (4)

On a hot and sunny Sunday in mid-October, I took the train down from Porto, where I'm remotely working and living for a month, to visit the city of Coimbra. This fourth largest city in Portugal, after Lisbon, Porto and Braga, is a bustling town attracting lots of attention, perhaps for its UNESCO World Heritage Site university.

I spent my day wandering the busy streets, climbing the various hills and steps that make up this riverfront city, snapping photographs of the beautiful architecture. Personally, I much prefer Porto to Coimbra, which I find a little touristy and not as endearing or genuine as delightful Porto. It is nonetheless worth a visit; trains run directly from Porto and take just over an hour, making this an easy day-trip destination. Here's what I saw on my wanders:

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The outside of the Igreja de Santa Cruz

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Igreja de Santa Cruz, where the remains of Portugal's first king rest

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Stunning tiles adorn the interior of the Igreja de Santa Cruz, with an impressive organ

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The beautiful buildings across from the church

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The lively streets of Coimbra

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The Igreja de São Tiago

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The outside of Sé Velha, Coimbra's Cathedral

Views from the University of Coimbra

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The Paço das Escolas, the historic centre square of the university

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Looking out towards the Mondego River from the square


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Pinterest - Coimbra (1)
Jana Meerman

Hi! I’m Jana, a Dutch-German-British-Canadian with a dream of seeing every country in the world. I am a storyteller, photographer and adventurer passionate about documenting and sharing my travels.

Find me on: Instagram | Facebook

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