Gozo’s (Collapsed) Azure Window

jana meerman azure window gozo malta (2)

Any trip to Malta, an archipelago of seven islands, is not complete without a day trip to the second biggest island of Gozo (or stay a while if you have the time!). The most famous visual sight of Gozo was the Azure Window, a majestic natural arch that jutted out into the sea on the west coast of the island, even featuring in films and on many a photographer's bucket list. Unfortunately, a massive storm caused the arch to collapse in 2017 so the arch no longer stands. However, it's still a popular destination for traveler's on the island thanks to the intricate rock formations that do still exist in the area, including the stunning Blue Hole, a natural swimming spot just under where the arch once stood.

I traveled around Gozo on the City Sightseeing hop-on hop-off bus which gives you 24 hours to get around the island with unlimited stops, a great choice for day trippers wanting to pack as much in to one day as they can. The City Sightseeing bus drops passengers off right at the Azure Window's parking lot and departs again for the next stop every 45 minutes.

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Behind me is where the Azure Window once stood

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jana meerman azure window gozo malta (2)

Looking into the sheltered Blue Hole, a popular swimming spot

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One of the many salt pools in the rock crevices

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Where the Azure Window once stood

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Swimmers in the Blue Hole

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jana meerman azure window gozo malta (2)


Pinterest - Azure Window (1)
Pinterest - Azure Window (1)
Jana Meerman

Hi! I’m Jana, a British-Dutch-Canadian with a dream of seeing every country in the world. I am a storyteller, photographer and adventurer passionate about documenting and sharing my travels.

Find me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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