Visiting the Basilica of Zaragoza

jana meerman basilica zaragoza (1)

As I continue my extended jaunt in Spain, working remotely from some of the prettiest cities in the south and east, I've been making a conscious effort to visit as much of the surrounding countryside as possible, exploring beautiful towns and gape at breathtaking views.

The last base of my trip is in vibrant Barcelona, a lively and wonderful city that I could very easily see myself living in one day...

I made a day trip on a hot and sunny Sunday northwestbound toward Madrid to visit Zaragoza, Spain's fifth largest city (after Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Sevilla), the crowning jewel of which is the Catedral-Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar situated on the banks of the Ebro River.

A religious monument has existed on this site since at least the 1st century AD, but the current impressive building with its towering spires and mosaiced domes was built between 1681 and 1872. Best viewed from the bridges on either side - the Puente de Santiago and the Puente de Piedra - this impressive structure is free to visit, although is significantly more photogenic and iconic from the outside.

Spend an hour or so lazily walking between the bridges, taking in all the angles from the Parque Macanaz on the opposite riverbank before heading inside to the cool and calm of the darkened interior to escape the heat and the buzz of the city.

jana meerman basilica zaragoza (1)
jana meerman basilica zaragoza (1)
jana meerman basilica zaragoza (1)
jana meerman basilica zaragoza (1)
jana meerman basilica zaragoza (1)
jana meerman basilica zaragoza (1)
jana meerman basilica zaragoza (1)


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Pinterest - Zaragoza (1)
Jana Meerman

Hi! I’m Jana, a British-Dutch-Canadian with a dream of seeing every country in the world. I am a storyteller, photographer and adventurer passionate about documenting and sharing my travels.

Find me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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