Best Things to See in Alicante

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I started my extended trip through Spain based out of beautiful Sevilla in the south, where I spent my evenings exploring the city and my weekends on day trips around the Andalusia region. After a quick work trip to London and a few days to visit family in Cambridge, I headed back to the sunshine in Spain where I am now based out of Valencia for a month. I have a full-time job, but am lucky enough to get to do it completely remotely, so can log in and work from anywhere, hence my constant being-on-the-go!

So, just like I do from anywhere I'm based, while I'm in Valencia, I'm making the most of my weekends by getting on local trains and exploring what's nearby. On a hot and sunny Saturday, where it truly felt like summer had arrived, I made my way to the coastal city of Alicante.

It's a bit of a resort nightlife town, which isn't really my scene, but the ocean views were a delight and it was lovely to be in the sunshine by the water again. It's a popular long-stay destination with tourists, but you can also do a lot on just a day trip down here, too. Read on to see all my top picks to visit in Alicante:

Esplanada d'Espanya

This popular promenade meanders all the way along the coast, with the picturesque harbour filled with yachts as its idyllic backdrop.

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Basílica de Santa Maria d'Alacant

This beautiful little basilica built in the 16th century is tucked away on a plaza a few streets back from the busy promenade and provides a few moments of cool and peace.

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Castell de la Santa Bàrbara

Perhaps the most famous spot in the city of all - and for good reason, it dominates the skyline! - is the impressive Santa Bàrbara Castle, perched high on the Mount Benacantil and built in the ninth century. It's been dominated at various points in history by many different religions and cultures, and today its a completely FREE and stunning place to explore with the best 360-degree views of the entire city. You'll want a half day here alone (and be prepared for the hot and sweaty 1km hike up to the top!).

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Before the climb

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The view from the top - spot the bull ring!

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Playa del Postiguet

The main beach in Alicante is the pretty Playa del Postiguet, lined with palm trees, offering white sand and azure waters, ideal for a hot summery day (and best seen from the castle above!).

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jana meerman alicante spain (12)
jana meerman alicante spain (12)



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Jana Meerman

Hi! I’m Jana, a British-Dutch-Canadian with a dream of seeing every country in the world. I am a storyteller, photographer and adventurer passionate about documenting and sharing my travels.

Find me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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