Cascade Falls Hike

On a rainy Sunday morning, I lay in bed scrolling through Instagram trying to see if I could find some sort of outdoor adventure that was doable in muddy, wet weather. Soon after, Dad and I drove for over an…

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My Morning Routine

A while ago, I signed up for the email list of a fantastic site called Basically once a week or every couple days, I get an email to my inbox with someone's morning routine. The entire site is dedicated…

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Whistler Train Wreck Hike

A quick-paced walk from the Whistler Olympic Athlete's village to a mangled, graffiti-covered train wreck is a lovely way to spend a morning. The trail was a little muddy but arrival to the wreck offered a glimpse into a different…

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Cheakamus Lake Hike

I spent Thanksgiving in Whistler with Sam's family and we spent the most perfect few days in the warm Autumn sunshine. The air was cool and crisp and the sunlight reflected in a gorgeous collection of fall colours - reds…

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Banff’s Most Beautiful Lakes

Moraine Lake We left the warmth of Sam's dorm room at 4:00am and headed out of the city into Banff National Park to catch sunrise at Moraine Lake, arguably one of the most picturesque locations in Canada. A brief pit-stop for…

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Borgeau Lake Hike

We gathered up a group of friends and hit the mountains in search of views and adventure. The hike up to Borgeau Lake was already chilly in early September, but still beautiful. The hike only had a few sections that were intensely…

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Grassi Lakes Hike

The Grassi Lakes hike winds along gorgeous waterfalls with stunning views over Canmore ending at the stunning fluorescent teal waters of the lakes. There are two routes: one easy one along a gravel road, and one harder route on a trail…

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Wapta Falls Hike

The absolutely magnificent Wapta Falls rewards the slippery, clay-covered hike down from the badly signposted and pot-holed parking lots. Prepare to get absolutely drenched with icy cold water spray as you stood proudly at the summit of the rock pile…

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Yoho National Park

Yoho National Park is a gorgeous and adventure-packed Canadian National Park in British Columbia, near Golden and the larger neighbouring National Parks of Jasper and Banff. One of my favourite places to for a drive, I have put together my…

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Banff National Park

Banff National Park is one of those places I have dreamed about for years, my wanderlust and desire ignited by what I saw on Instagram and further pursued by blogs and stories I read and heard. When the opportunity arose…

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