6 Things to See in Cádiz

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On a mission to see as much of the Spanish countryside as possible while being based in beautiful Sevilla, it was time for me to take a day trip down to the southern coast and finally see the ocean again. Cádiz is a small little enclave the protrudes out from the mainland, surrounding itself on three sides by the water. This means stunning coastal views and a warm ocean breeze - delightful!

Cádiz is easy to reach by direct train from Sevilla in just an hour and forty-five minutes and as you make your way south, the stunning views from the train are almost worth the trip alone.

Cádiz is a historical port city, given its ideal location on the coast, and was a wealthy trading hub in the 16th century. However, perhaps even more fascinatingly so, the city is full of old Roman architecture and buildings, still being uncovered to this day!

Here's my quick guide to everything you should see on a day trip down to Cádiz:

1. Plaza de San Juan de Dios

This bustling hub is a great first introduction to the city where you'll find busy patios outside of cafes, live music and, on most weekends, a small craft market.

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2. Teatro Romano de Cádiz

Just forty years ago, one of the largest Roman amphitheatres ever built was uncovered here with seating for up to 10,000 people. Records say the theatre was built in 70 BC - that's nearly two thousand years ago, which is mind-blowing. The museum is completely free to visit and you can even wander the hallways where spectators used to walk to reach their seats. So cool.

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3. Paseo Del Vendaval

This coastal promenade is an easy wander along the Cádiz coastline, where you can listen to the waves crashing along the rocks, feel the ocean breeze, and enjoy the colourful skyline.

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4. Catedral de Cádiz

This exquisite cathedral features a domed roof that is an icon on the Cádiz skyline. A really thorough audioguide is included in the ticket price, as well as a visit to the underground crypt.

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5. Torre de Poniente

Included in the ticket price for the cathedral, you absolutely must climb the tower for panoramic views across the entire city and out over the ocean.

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6. Castillo de Santa Catalina

Free to visit, this 17th century fortress sits on the northern tip of the Cádiz coast with postcard-like views back towards the city.

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Where to Eat in Cádiz

The Mercado Central Cádiz a massive and bustling food market in the heart of Cádiz with tons of yummy options - and best of all, Las niñas veganas which is entirely dedicated to vegan tapas. YUM!

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Jana Meerman

Hi! I’m Jana, a British-Dutch-Canadian with a dream of seeing every country in the world. I am a storyteller, photographer and adventurer passionate about documenting and sharing my travels.

Find me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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