Akchour Falls Hike

jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)

It was the third day of my nine-day tour around Morocco, and we had arrived in Chefchaouen the night before.

Chefchaouen, pronounced Shef-shown and also known as the Blue City, is far and away one of the most surreal cities I’ve visited. Winding alleys, all covered from floor to ceiling in vibrant shades of blue paint, entice visitors to get lost in the enchanting maze, the entire city nestled into a mountain side and full of colours, scents and visual treats. What a feeling to get to come somewhere you’ve seen so many times photographed and then get to wander the streets for yourself.

We arose early on our first morning in Chefchaouen to drive northward to Akchour Falls, another wildly different landscape to explore. The 12km round trip along the stunning falls and pools, accompanied by three gorgeous dogs, plenty of laughter along the way, exquisite sunlight glistening into the valley, and the chance to teach the fellow adventurers on my group tour around Morocco how to take the perfect candid insta made for the perfect day in the Rif Mountains.


When: year-round, but it's busy in the sumer months; I recommend April - May and October - November for quieter trails

Where: near Chefchaouen

Difficulty: intermediate, with some rocky clambering sections

Length: the 12 km roundtrip took us 2 h 45 m of moving time, for a total hiking time of four hours including photo stops, swimming in the icy cold pools, and a freshly-cooked tagine lunch on the trail

Directions: we parked here, and went with our guide along the falls; I found the route quite straightforward - you can follow our exact route on Strava

Bathrooms: yes, at the trailhead

Public Transit: I came here as part of my Moroccan group tour, but you could take a taxi from Chefchaouen which you can arrange through your accommodation

jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (1)

Morning light from our hotel in Chefchaouen

jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (1)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (1)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (1)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (1)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (1)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (1)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (1)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (1)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (1)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (1)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)

Much Better Adventures Moroccan Tour Group!

jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)

God's Bridge

jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)

Post-lunch icy dip

jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)
jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)

Sleepy post-hike pup

jana meerman akchour falls hike chefchaouen morocco rif mountains (13)

Views on the drive back to Chefchaouen


Akchour Falls
Akchour Falls
Jana Meerman

Hi! I’m Jana, a British-Dutch-Canadian with a dream of seeing every country in the world. I am a storyteller, photographer and adventurer passionate about documenting and sharing my travels.

Find me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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