We've been living in Carterton since early April when it was initially announced that New Zealand would go into COVID-19 lock down. We have come and gone, completing a massive two month roadie around the North Island when it was safe to do so, and returned to spend our final weeks in the country back here in the tiny farm town.
We sold our van so were limited in activities the final few weeks - a blessing in disguise almost since we weren't as tempted to go exploring what with all the preparations we need to do for our next adventure in September!
We were lucky enough, however, to get to join the family we are staying with on a few weekend adventures around the Wairarapa region. On a clear late winter's day, we drove up to the top of Mount Dick on the very edge of the Tararua Forest Park. At the end of Dalefield Road, a panoramic view stretching all across the Wairarapa offers a brilliant perspective of the area.


Hi! I’m Jana, a Dutch-German-British-Canadian with a dream of seeing every country in the world. I am a storyteller, photographer and adventurer passionate about documenting and sharing my travels.