Visiting Doge’s Palace

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While visiting Venice, one of the most magical cities I've ever had the joy of exploring, one of the best highlights was our morning spent visiting Doge's Palace / Palazzo Ducale.

I adored Venice. Made up of more than 100 islands connected by between 400-500 bridges, Venice is a city steeped in magic. There are no roads in Venice, there are no cars, there are no traffic lights... instead, there are countless boats, ferrying people and cargo throughout the city on the rivers that function as the city's streets. It's so beautiful. The colours are bright and endearing, the little pathways across the islands winding and every few moments a new bridge to cross. The food is delicious, the night air salty and the gelato so sweet.

If that sounds like your kind of city trip, then check out my complete guide to Venice - possibly one of my favourite blog posts I've ever written - including how to get around, where to stay, where to eat and everything to do.

And now, for the guide to visiting Doge's Palace / Palazzo Ducale, one of the gems of Venice:

How to Get to Doge's Palace

Doge's Palace / Palazzo Ducale is right next to the ferry terminal S. Marco - San Zaccaria. We arrived at this ferry terminal by both ferry 2 and 4.2.

You can learn how to use the public ferry in Venice and how to purchase single tickets or day/multi-day passes in my complete guide to Venice.

From the ferry terminal, it's a five-minute walk along the Riva degli Schiavoni. I highly recommend coming to the Doge's Palace in the earliest possible timeslot at 9am when it opens so that you can enjoy wandering through the gorgeous architecture and seeing the art without the crowds.

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Arriving by ferry to Doge's Palace

The Bridge of Sighs

Along the way from the ferry terminal to the entrance of Doge's Palace, you'll walk past the world famous Bridge of Sighs, perhaps the best known in all of Venice.

Opened in 1603, this world famous white limestone bridge stretches between the Doge Palace / Palazzo Ducale and the New Prison. And so the name makes sense, as it was named after the sighs of the prisoners as they were marched across from the halls of justice within the Palazzo to their imprisonment in the New Prison, just across the Rio di Palazzo.

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How to Visit Doge's Palace

I visited the Doge's Palace in partnership with Get Your Guide, my favourite website for booking guided tours and experiences all around the world.

I booked a skip-the-line ticket to the Doge's Palace to ensure I got prime access to the gorgeous architecture without the crowds. We didn't do a guided tour, instead opting to wander at our own pace, taking photos of every angle You can also choose to book a guided tour.

Book the exact experience I did to visit Doge's Palace with Get Your Guide here!

Highlights of the Doge's Palace include exploring the many rooms where justice, administration and other government functions were carried out, as well as spotting the world's largest canvas painting.

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The view of Venice from the Palace

Walking Through the Bridge of Sighs

As part of the entrance ticket into the Doge Palace / Palazzo Ducale, you get to walk across the famous Bridge of Sighs and get goosebumps at the thought of prisoner's sighing on their way to their imprisonment in the New Prison. Tiny windows on each side provide an excellent view of all the tourists ogling for a view of the very bridge which you are unknowingly inside. Unless of course, you stick a tiny hand out and wave at them, sparking excitement and perhaps a wave or two back...

Book the exact experience I did to visit Doge's Palace and walk through the Bridge of Sighs with Get Your Guide here!

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This post includes affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and buy something I have recommended. It won't cost you any extra money, but helps keep this blog going! This post includes content sponsored by Get Your Guide. All opinions and ideas, as always, are completely my own.

Jana Meerman

Hi! I’m Jana, a Dutch-German-British-Canadian with a dream of seeing every country in the world. I am a storyteller, photographer and adventurer passionate about documenting and sharing my travels.

Find me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook


  1. 6 September 2024 / 7:02 am

    I will have to include the Bridge of Sighs to my bucket list now. You’ve woven a spell around your experience luring others to join your daydream.

    • Jana Meerman
      6 September 2024 / 11:50 am

      Venice is seriously magic.. can highly recommend!

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