Best Sunset Spot in Chefchaouen

jana meerman sunset spanish mosque chefchaouen morocco (1)

We were spending two nights in Chefchaouen as part of the Moroccan tour I had booked.

Chefchaouen, pronounced Shef-shown and also known as the Blue City, is far and away one of the most surreal cities I’ve visited. Winding alleys, all covered from floor to ceiling in vibrant shades of blue paint, entice visitors to get lost in the enchanting maze, the entire city nestled into a mountain side and full of colours, scents and visual treats. What a feeling to get to come somewhere you’ve seen so many times photographed and then get to wander the streets for yourself.

On our second day there, we had spent the day hiking up to Akchour Falls, an oasis in the Rif Mountains just north of Chefchaouen. We returned to the Blue City in time to do another hike, this time a short one up over the city to the Spanish Mosque which is home to the greatest viewpoint.

The hike is an easy one, more of a walk up above the city. The Spanish Mosque was built in the 1920s and - apparently - never actually used. But is sure is the best spot in all of Chefchaouen to catch a sunset.


When: year-round

Where: Chefchaouen

Difficulty: easy

Length: 3km return hike, with lots of time spent at the top taking in the views

Directions: start here and follow the paved path to the Spanish Mosque, easily visable from the city below

Bathrooms: no

Public Transit: no need - you can walk here straight from Chefchaouen

jana meerman sunset spanish mosque chefchaouen morocco (1)
jana meerman sunset spanish mosque chefchaouen morocco (1)
jana meerman sunset spanish mosque chefchaouen morocco (1)
jana meerman sunset spanish mosque chefchaouen morocco (1)
jana meerman sunset spanish mosque chefchaouen morocco (1)
jana meerman sunset spanish mosque chefchaouen morocco (1)
jana meerman sunset spanish mosque chefchaouen morocco (1)
jana meerman sunset spanish mosque chefchaouen morocco (1)
jana meerman sunset spanish mosque chefchaouen morocco (1)
jana meerman sunset spanish mosque chefchaouen morocco (1)
jana meerman sunset spanish mosque chefchaouen morocco (1)
jana meerman sunset spanish mosque chefchaouen morocco (1)


Spanish Mosque
Spanish Mosque
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Jana Meerman

Hi! I’m Jana, a Dutch-German-British-Canadian with a dream of seeing every country in the world. I am a storyteller, photographer and adventurer passionate about documenting and sharing my travels.

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